Fees and payment
For the first three weeks your child can simply come have a look and join in with the activities to see if he or she likes it. During that time they are automatically covered by the Scout Association for insurance purposes. Parents are welcome to watch as well as participate.
Ideally, we request that you complete the membership application form on your child's first visit. This is merely for insurance/contact details purposes, and this form will receive no further action until your child has made his or her decision to remain with the Group.
After the third visit we will confirm your intentions, and provide you with an invoiice for fees.
Only at this stage will the membership application form be submitted for further processing with Scouts Australia (SA Branch)

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When the completed registration form has been submitted and the membership fee paid, we then proceed with an investiture ceremony to welcome your child to Scouting.
What are the fees?
There is a fee per term and this is payable at the beginning of each term. For members joining later in the term, the fee is payable upon registration and is calculated based on when you join. A discount is applied where more than one child from a family is a member.
We believe that no child should be denied the opportunity to become a member due to financial constraints.
Please contact the Group Leader if more information is required.
The uniform consists of a shirt (polo style), scarf & woggle, and may also include an official belt and and stone/bone coloured trousers for formal occasions. The shirt is available from the ‘Scout Outdoor Centre’, 192 Rundle Street, Adelaide at an approximate cost of $30. The trousers (these pants convert into shorts with a zipper in each leg) and belt are also available from the Scout Outdoor Centre. Shoes for most activities can be runners. Leather / dress shoes (eg school shoes) are worn for formal occasions. A blue broad brimmed hat should be worn during outdoor activities. The distinctive group scarf and a woggle will be provided by the group at a cost of about $25.
Scouting is an outdoors based program. Sleep overs, holidays, camps and hikes range from single day activities up to three days duration. The cost of these activities is an extra expense, however you can be sure that we carefully aim to keep the price of such activities to a minimum. Our aim is that each section has at least one overnight activity each term. Cost of these activities varies between Joey, Cub and Scouts sections and also with the travel distance. We suggest you allow approx. $80 per term for activities.
The Scout Group
A Scout Group is entirely self-funded. The expenses of a Scout Group are various.
A somewhat major cost is the purchasing of badges and certificates.
(badges are presented as soon as they are earned and there is no call for parents to purchase their child’s badges).
In the Joey section there are only a limited number of badges to earn. However, this apparent saving is absorbed by the cost of the craft equipment and materials that are consumed in the normal program activities.
The Group must also meet the cost of maintaining the Scout Hall itself and we have the normal water, electricity and insurance bills to pay. Then there is also the initial and ongoing cost of training Leaders and the supply of their uniforms.
Another major cost is the 'Affiliation Fee'. This is a fee the Group pays to our Scouting State Headquarters for each registered member of the group. This is largely to cover insurance for the Member during Scouting activities.
The Group’s running costs are mostly offset by the annual membership subscriptions and partly through a small number of fund raising activities throughout the year.
Fund raising...
Most Scout Groups engage in fund raising for the Group. We encourage fundraising for major events (like attending a Jamboree) through the formation of parent committees for specific events.
For specific information about fees please download the Group fee letter or ask your Leader