Awarded to

Adult Recognition Awards 2020

01 Aug 2020

Scouts Australia (SA Branch) would like to recognise the outstanding achievement and contributions to the Scouting Movement, of Leaders and Supporters of Scouting who have been awarded Adult Recognition Awards on 1 August.


Join Scouts 2020

10 Dec 2019

Vacancies exist for Scouting in 2020! Come and join in our adventure!


The adventure continues!

10 Dec 2019

Do you have the post AJ2019 Blues? There is plenty of adventure still to be found!


The Cub Program

Cub Scout Meetings

Cub Scout Pack meets once a week at the Northridge Para Vista Scout Hall on a Tuesday night between 7:00pm and 8:00pm. The trained Cub Scout Leaders and their assistants are in charge of ensuring that the Cub Scouts work well together and challenge themselves to do their best, while also meeting the development program goals for the week. The Leaders encourage their Cubs to use their imaginations and foster their creative and mental abilities. Cub Scout meetings are full of energy and fun and our Cubs go home with the confidence and the abilities to face whatever challenges or goals they set for themselves.

“Cub Scouts are keen to learn, belong, and have fun, so our activities are designed to stimulate their emotional and adventurous spirits.”

Our Pack Program

This term at Cub Scouts we are focusing on fun, action, adventure and achievement!

This means great fun with great activities all designed to help our Cub Scouts learn, grow and have fun with their friends.

For examples of the sort of activities we might do check out  Cub Scouts SA

These activities also help us work toward our achievement badges

We are looking forward to having great fun this term and hope you join us!